Whitestone Parish Hall

Whitestone Parish Hall

7pm MONDAY, 13th NOVEMBER, 2017


Present: Dr Jane Richards (Parochial Church Council) (Chairman), Dr Anna Kellagher (Church Hse. Ed. Fndt.), Derek Fisher (Elected) (Secretary), Jock Kirkpatrick (Sports/Social Club), Carole Jones (Book Club), Dave Lee (Cuban Airwaves), John Robinson (Elected), Ron Bramhall (Gardening Club).


68.1 Irene Mathieson, Mary Belt, Peter Hanson, Lawrence Blades


69.1 Accepted as a true record each page signed accordingly by the chairman

70. MATTERS ARISING (From minutes of 16th August)

70.1   36.1 JK presented an undated instruction document concerning the use of the Hearing Loop which was accepted by those present. Copy to be housed with the equipment and to be supplied to hirers as and when necessary.

70.2   36.5 Sect reported that the Periodic Electrical Testing report on the hall installation had now been received and although 30 faults were disclosed, by far the majority of these were of a minor nature (eg cable clips to be 6” apart not 12”) and have been rectified. JK explained in greater detail some of the highlighted issues, it being noted that PH and JK were steadily working through the remaining matters which mainly concerned earthing issues.

70.3   36.7 In the absence of PH Sect reported that the boxing in of the pipes had been completed, presenting a huge improvement to the look of the hall.

70.4   36.8 JK advised that it was not possible to order Scotch guard in bulk quantities. Agreed that existing dry−cleaning fluid would be used to clean marked chairs which would then be treated with Craftex Fabric Protector which was available in greater amounts. JK researching further as may be cheaper to get supplier of Craftex to do the work.

70.5   36.9 Sect explained that sub committee was exploring possibility of glazing in the porch area at rear of main door. West Coast Windows had attended but their ideas and quotation was still awaited prior to a possible Rural Aid Application.

70.6   37.4 Sect reported that Tracy Baird had confirmed she was happy to carry out a deep clean of the floors free of charge. To be arranged following Pantomime. Discussion followed on hirers leaving hall in a mess. Agreed that reminder to all hirers be issued at time of next invoices. CJ commented that the Ide fitness class had been very impressed with the cleanliness of the hall.

70.7   40.3 The list of Document Review Dates had been circulated as requested.

70.8   42 Chair outlined the current position concerning the proposed changes to the Parish Council’s financial relationship with the hall having written to the Chair of the Council explaining the role of a Charity Trustee and why the offer of an annual donation in lieu of payment was not acceptable. Following a suggestion from RB, the Chair agreed to make herself available to explain to the Council the legal position of a Charity Trustee.

70.9   43.1(b) The “Warning – Pedestrians” sign had now been fixed at the rear of the building.

70.10   43.1(e) The replacement of the threshold at the outside WC remained as the last item to be actioned as a result of the last H and S Inspection. PH had advised that he was obtaining a new threshold and would be asking Alan Cox to fit same. Noted that some of the internal black/yellow threshold tapes were curling up.

70.11   44 Sect advised that the issue of the cable to the roadside display board light had basically been resolved and accepted as perfectly in order provided it was better secured. Further advised and updated meeting of present position concerning the use of non−qualified persons carrying out electrical work. It basically seemed that none of the authorities he had consulted wished to take a firm stand on the issue. Agreed that we should follow the advice of a qualified electrician (PH to deal) as to what we could and could not undertake ourselves. Chair agreed to consult with official at Teignbridge if MB could supply name of a suitable contact.


71.1 JK had now obtained Digital clocks for both the Main Hall and the Billiard Room whilst the boxing in of the pipework in the Main Hall had also been completed. Bryan Durrant had indicated he was able once again to borrow FOC the testing equipment for PAT due again at Christmas. MB was in the process of altering the piano cover to achieve a better fit and Ingrid, the cleaner, had donated a picture which will shortly be fixed in the Green Room.

71.2 Our membership of CCD had been renewed for a further 12 months, the hedge had been cut and the annual asbestos check carried out. JK was in the process of pricing up solar blinds for the velux windows in the main hall.There is evidence of woodworm infestation in the floor, just inside the rear door to the main hall, and this has to be further investigated.

71.3 Sect read a letter of resignation from Sandy Oxford and agreed that Chair would write thanking her for her valued involvement. As an addendum SO had suggested that a regular information panel appear in the Parish Magazine identifying the Committee of Management. After discussion agreed that names were already in the public domain and there was therefore no reason not to publicise the Committee. In a similar vein it has been suggested that the minutes of the Full Committee of Management be circulated more widely. After discussion agreed that minutes be available on the Village website and that fact be advertised in the Parish Magazine when appropriate.


72.1 Since the last meeting expenditure, apart from the normal payments, had included boxing in the pipework and the decoration of the main hall and Billard Room.Actual payments to date amounted to £16,204−64 whilst receipts totalled £15,266−19. It was anticipated that by the end of the year total receipts would amount to £18,322, which would virtually balance out the payments. Our present assets in the bank were £8,139.

72.2 We pay a fixed amount monthly to our electricity supplier and currently we are in credit by aboubt £260. This is likely to change during the Winter as our useage of electricity increases.

72.3 Noted that the figures indicated a continuing healthy financial position for which the Committee’s thanks were expressed to the Treasurer.

72.4 The provisional budget for 2018, was presented by the Treasurer which was approved by JR and seconded JK. It allowed for approximately £4,500 for repairs/refurbishment.

72.5 Agreed that the accounts and the 2018 provisional budget should not be circulated on the website.


73.1 CJ on behalf of IM reported that the Art Group had resumed well with 17 attendees but this had now fallen back a bit. An accident, resulting from the brake not having been applied to the table trolley, when loading same was noted. Committee noted instructions re use was already affixed to the trolley and considered there was nothing more that could be done.

73.2 DL noted that Cuban Airwaves membership was constant and that the numbers attending Table Tennis was increasing.


74.1 Sect. reported that the present cleaner wished to continue in the role and should be offered a further 1 year contract. The Sub Committee recommend that the words in Clause 8 “of £7−20 per hour” be deleted thus negating the annual need to change the rate of pay in the contract. Agreed.


75.1 NO 3 STANDARD CONDITIONS OF HIRE.Last Reviewed 14/11/2016. No changes were recommended by sub−committee, the present document being approved

75.2 ‘BOOKING CONFIRMATION/USING THE HALL’ FORM Last Reviewed 14/11/2016. No changes were recommended by sub−committee, the present document being approved.

75.3 NO 4 FIRE SAFETY. Last Reviewed 14/11/2016. No changes were recommended by the sub−committee, the present document being approved.

75.4 AMENDMENTS MADE TO BOOKING FORM. Secretary advised that a slight change in the lay−out of the form has been adopted to incorporate a request by hirers for instructions as to how to use the hearing Loop. Amendment approved.


76.1 Sect. highlighted that we were now short of a trustee and could well be short in the near future of a Booking Clerk. The Committee needed to consider how it was going to resolve these problems. Sub committee had suggested a Parish Magazine advert might bring forward a response.

76.2 Agreed that an advert for a Booking Clerk be placed in the Parish Magazine now and in February for a new elected trustee to reploace SO. Individuals could be approached and encouraged to put their names forward.


77.1 JK presented a paper concerning the requirements for gaining Level 3 of the Hallmark award. Agreed that we should pursue such an application when our present

status expires in August 2018. Further agreed that JK, Dr J and RB meet to review the requirements and establish what still needed to be done.


78.1 Sect asked Committee to consider relaxing the present rule on booking any of our rooms for a minimum period of 2 hours. It seemed a little hard on some groups eg Pilates, Keep Fit etc who only need 1 hour but had to pay for 2. After discussion agreed not to amend the present ruling.

78.2 JK had now located the plate on the Velux blind and had established that blinds, which had a solar reflective surface, to power the remote, were available at approx. £200 each. Agreed that application for grant aid (on 50/50 basis) be made to the Parish Council.

78.3 JK felt that a list should be drawn up of the various tasks performed by the members of the Committee and be available in the event of the incapacity of that member. To be further considered by the sub committee.

78.4 Dr JR asked if the Committee would again be providing the hall for a free New Year’s Party. Decided not to arrange this year.


79.1 Sub Committee 3.30pm Tuesday, 5th December

79.2 Full Committee 7pm Wednesday, 21st February

There being no further business the Chairman closed the meeting at 0925 hours