Whitestone Road sign

Whitestone Parish Council

Minutes of Parish Council meeting held at Whitestone Parish Hall at 7.30pm on Thursday, 10th March 2016.

Attendance: Chairman − Councillor L Hickman
Councillors Ms T Baird, Mrs M Belt, Mrs B Bramhall, Mrs L Fairley, R Phillips, A Reed.
District Councillor P Bromell (left at 8.55pm)
County Councillor J Brook (to give his report from 8.45pm to 9pm)
Mrs P Vaughan, Clerk to the Council
Mrs T Taylor, Mrs B Netherway, Mr P Hanson (to give his report)
Apologies: Mrs S Greenfield.


Mrs Taylor raised concerns on the subject of the infrastructure development proposal for a build of 2,700 houses in Alphington and the development of a railway station at Marsh Barton by 2020/2021 as raised by the Chairman in the February minutes. She felt apprehension on the impact for Exminster and Marsh Barton and on the ensuing traffic problems which would impact upon what was basically a rural area and may have a knock−on affect for Whitestone. Cllr Hickman acknowledge Mrs Taylor’s concerns and said he would try and gain further information from the TALC meeting when he next attended as this issue seems not be as well understood as is generally believed.

Mr Hanson, Secretary of the Parish Plan Steering Group, reported that the Parish Plan Steering Group is currently preparing a summary of the 28 page analysis of the answers to the questionnaire produced by Teignbridge District Council. This summary of the main findings will then be distributed to every household in the Parish. The full TDC analysis is now available to view on the village website and for those without access to a computer a hard copy will soon be held by each member of the Steering Group and available for inspection.

Cllr Hickman thanked both parishioners for their input to the meeting.

17. The Chairman opened the meeting and the Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 11th February 2016 having been circulated were taken as read and signed by Cllr Hickman with it noted that there was a spelling mistake to Cllr Bramhall’s name at item 12.2.


District Councillor Bromell reported that he did have some money from his District Council Councillors Community Fund available if Whitestone Parish Council would like funding for a project within the Parish and he supplied the necessary application claim form for completion as soon as possible. It was suggested that this might be used towards the cost of another piece of play equipment for Crossway Park.

Cllr Bromell said that he was also aware of the situation regarding motor cycle events at Hales Farm and of the meeting arranged for 16th March at 7.30pm at the Whitestone Parish Hall.


Planning Applications

The following applications/plans were examined and discussion took place with the subsequent observations:−

19.1 16/00354/FUL First floor extension including balcony at The Corner Barn, Norway Farm. No objections.

19.2 16/00276/FUL Two storey extension to west elevation including demolition of existing garage at Nadder Park, Nadderwater. No objections.

19.3 16/00445/FUL Roof extension to rear/side of property, new roof to existing conservatory, hallway extension and rear terrace area at Rose Marie. No objections.

Granting of planning application

19.4 16/00160/FUL Barn containing equipment shed, storage and workshop at Heath Cross Farm.


School Houses

20.1 Cllr Reed reported that following information from Teignbridge District Council regarding the insulation of walls which is required at School Houses an application had been made to E.ON for a free survey. Once the information has been received the Council can then determine the action needed and apply for a grant up to a maximum of £7,000 for each property from the Affordable Warmth Fund at Teignbridge District Council. The investigations are being carried out through the Letting Agents.

20.2 Accounts had been received for repair to water leak at No 2 and repair to a bathroom heater and light switch at No 2 which had been settled through Devon Sales and Lettings.

Crossway Park

20.3 Cllr Bramhall reported that on her weekly inspection she had found the gate left open which meant that dogs could enter the Park and had also noted that the grass was needing to be cut. It was noted that the grass cutting contract is due to start at the end of March.

Whitestone Parish Hall Management Committee

20.4 Communication has been received that the installation of car parking markings and the setting up of One Way system is being undertaken requiring all vehicles to exit the car park in the future by passing around the rear of the Hall onto the unmade up access lane.

20.5 There was a request for re−imbursement of insurance premium of £1,039.36 for the Parish Hall for 2016/17 which was included in the Council’s budget and this was approved.

20.5 A letter has been received from the Management Committee in response to a letter sent to them in December requesting specific information regarding any future financial requests to the Parish Council. This letter, having been distributed to Councillors, was discussed. It was resolved that the annual amounts for the Hall insurance and the contribution towards the caretaker would continue as previously but any other request should be submitted as a grant claim. It was noted that new chairs were required for the Hall and it was suggested that the Parish Council could purchase these and then gift them to the Hall. Councillors fully appreciate all the time and effort that the members of the Parish Hall Committee take in the management of the Hall which of course is of benefit to parishioners as a whole in maintaining the community and have no wish to withdraw any support although, as explained in the letter of 22nd December, financial implications have to be dealt with as any finance is public money and therefore of benefit to all and not just those who use the Parish Hall. The Chair confirmed that a letter clarifying the position will be sent to the Hall Management Committee.


21.2 Information has been received regarding a meeting which is being organised by Jonathan Blackman who is the Environmental Health Officer for Teignbridge District Council at 7.30pm on Wednesday 16th March. Mr Blackman wishes to give explanations to those parishioners who have complained regarding the situation with motor cycle events at Hales Farm and those concerned are invited to attend to hear the relevant facts. Although this is not a Parish Council meeting Cllr Hickman reiterated the invitation to Councillors to attend.

21.2 Cllr Hickman reported that there is an improvement in the condition of Pound Lane as potholes have been filled. Subsequent to this observation very deep potholes on the road to Trillow at Nadderbottom, by the bridge were reported to the meeting.


At this point in the meeting Councillor Brook arrived and was invited to give his report. Cllr Brook said that the Devon County Council Budget meeting had taken place and after discussion the budget had been passed. After lobbying by Devon County 8.5 million pounds had been obtained from the Government Treasury and a portion of this will be allocated to the road network. He mentioned that the Tour of Britain Cycle Race will again be passing through Devon this year. Cllr Hickman brought to his attention the concerns raised by Mrs Taylor at the beginning of the meeting in regard to the proposed development at Marsh Barton and Cllr Brook explained that Devon County were involved with this only the aspect of consultations regarding roads. Cllr Brook left after giving his report.



23.1 1 School Houses rent for March £675.00 − £64.80 (includes £10.80 VAT) = £610.20.

23.2 2 School Houses rent for March £800.00 − £76.80 (includes £12.80 VAT) = £723.20.

23.3 Parish Paths Grant £300.00


The following expenditure was proposed and seconded. All in favour.

23.3 Whitestone Parish Hall Management Committee (March) £97.50

23.4 Whitestone Parish Hall Management £1,039.36

23.5 Clerk’s salary/expenses £229.24 + Tax £50.50

23.6 C R Kibbey Ltd £100.20 (includes £16.70 VAT) paid through Devon Sales & Lettings

23.7 ACS Electrical £102.00 (includes £17.00 VAT paid through Devon Sales & Lettings


24.1 The Clerk reported that the Rural Skip will take place near Crossway on Saturday 7th May and a notice to this effect has been placed on the Whitestone website.

24.2 The Clerk reported that she had been informed by Royal Mail that the complaints raised at the February meeting regarding post boxes in the Parish and sent to them on 17th February will be dealt with shortly.

24.3 The Tower Mint Ltd have sent information regarding a commemorative medal to mark HM Queen Elizabeth’s 90th birthday. The cost would be £1.99 per medal (plus postage) and the minimum order is 50 units. Discussion followed and it was noted that on a previous celebratory occasion the children in the parish were allocated such a medal. Councillors were asked to investigate the numbers which would be required should the occasion be so marked again.


25.1 Cllr Belt said that as requested at the February meeting she had investigated the situation regarding a Beacon to celebrate the Queen’s 90th birthday but in view of the necessary regulations with which it would be necessary to comply felt that this would not be a possibility and the meeting were in agreement that this would not be pursued further.

25.2 Cllr Baird and Cllr Belt reported that they had not yet had the opportunity to discuss the matter of Neighbourhood Watch within the parish but will be continuing to investigate.


Mrs Taylor reported that the Highways Department had cleared the drains in her area of the Parish.

The meeting closed at 9.35pm.

Signed ________________________ 10th March 2016