Whitestone Road sign

Whitestone Parish Council


Minutes of Whitestone Parish Council held at Whitestone Parish Hall on Thursday 10th March 2011

Attendance: Chairman – Councillor Mrs M Belt 
Councillors P Hanson, R Phillips, A Reed, Mrs B Netherway, Mrs T Taylor
County Councillor J Brook 
District Councillor P Bromell 
Mrs P Vaughan, Clerk to the Council
Mr M Quinn, Mr P Nierop
Apologies: Councillor E Beeching 

The March Draw for the 100 Club in support of the Parish Hall Appeal was carried out and the winning number was 10 and belongs to Anna Kellagher.

Minutes of Council meetings held on 10th February 2011 having been circulated were taken as read and signed as a true copy.

County Councillor Brook gave a report as he wished to leave the meeting early. He reported that following the damage done to road surfaces as a result of the severe weather the Government was going to allocate extra money for repair work and Devon County would be applying. Following the concerns raised regarding the grit bins within the parish Councillor Brook had been investigating this and requested that the Clerk send a copy of the survey which had been completed by Councillor Taylor. 

Applications Granted
10/03876/COU Conditional Planning Permnission for change of use of land from agriculture to manàge at Bickhams Farm.
10/03263/CLDE Certificate of lawful use or development for Woodstock Farm, Five Mile Hill. There was criticism of this application being granted and the Clerk was instructed to respond to Teignbridge District Council with comments.
10/01510/DCC Conditional planning permission to extend the life of tipping operations and restoration of the site for agricultural purposes at Springdale Farm, Bondhouse Lane. It was noted that the wheel wash does not appear to be in operation as complaints are still being raised regarding mud on the roads in the area.
Planning Application
10/04011/COU Revised plans for change of use of existing store into a dwelling including parking and use of land as domestic curtilage at The Old Forge, Whitestone. Councillors discussed the application and plans and supported it with no objections.

Parish Hall
Insurance Claim for oil lost from damaged tank has now been received in the amount of £396.27 and it was resolved that this be forwarded to the Hall Management Committee.
A detailed proposal for solar panels to be placed on the roof of the hall was discussed and it was felt that this would be beneficial as it would generate an income which could in time pay for the installation. There was a request from the Hall Management Committee that the Parish Council could apply to the Public Works Loan Board for money to fund this work and the Clerk will contact the DALC for advice regarding this. The Council felt that if this loan is secured it would suggest that the panels remain the property of the Parish Council until such time as the monies are paid off. The matter to be placed on the agenda for the April meeting for further discussion. 
School Houses
The Sub Committee which had been set up at the February meeting to investigate the estimates for the damp problems had met and Councillor Phillips reported on the conclusions. It was resolved that the quotation of £4884 from Overmass and Chapple be accepted. It was noted that it might be necessary for the tenants to vacate the premises for some of the time and the Chairman will be in touch with them to ascertain if they are taking holidays when it would be convenient for the work to be carried out. 
An account for £232 for the costs of the scaffold hire for the month of January was resolved for payment.

Concern was again expressed regarding the painting of the telephone box and the Clerk was instructed to again approach BT regarding this.

Expenditure The following accounts were proposed and seconded for payment. All in favour.
Clerk’s expenses/quarterly salary - £274.32
Parish Hall Committee of Management (March payment) - £125.00 
Mr Joll - grass cutting and general cleaning to Crossway Park and surrounding areas and the bus stop area from 1st October 2010 to 31st March 2011 - £384.00

Notification of ROSPA inspection of Crossway Park. This will take place on 16th March and Councillors Belt and Taylor will attend.
Mr Eric Beeching – resignation as Councillor due to personal circumstances. 
Teignbridge District Council - Nomination packs for the Parish Council Election to be held on 5th May were distributed to Councillors wishing to stand again. The Clerk will hold the remaining copies and parishioners interested in joining the Council can apply to her (01392 411628) and she will send the necessary paperwork out to them.
Devon Association of Local Councils – Confirmation of booking and pre-event reading material received for conference “Making it work locally” to be held on 15th March from 9.45am to 4pm in Exeter. The account for £36.00 was submitted for payment.
Exminster and Rural Area Police report for February 2011. Contents conveyed to Council including request from the Police that the security of peoples’ sheds, garages and outbuildings should be reviewed and that the serial numbers of any expensive pieces of garden machinery should be recorded as the area is suffering from the activities of what are believed to be ‘opportunist’ criminals and by improving the security of such buildings this can make their lives harder. Councillor Belt raised the point that there were now no representatives for Neighbourhood Watch within the parish and requested that anyone interested in undertaking this task should contact her when she will put them in touch with the organisers.
Devon County Council – Planning Assessment for Emergencies. Passed to Councillor Belt.

Potholes were reported at Merrymeet Cottage, Heath Cross/Heath Barton Farm, Copperwalls Lodge (by the footpath sign) and an 8” deep pothole at Trowbridge.
Councillor Hanson asked about applying for Rural Aid for the Phase 2 Hall development and the Clerk reported that she had obtained the necessary form and this would be completed. It was requested that the quotations for this work be made available to her as these have to go in with the application.

Mr Quinn requested that the comments made regarding the solar panels be conveyed to the Hall Management Committee as they have a meeting next Monday evening when this will be discussed.
Mr Nierop asked if there was a warranty regarding the work to be carried out at School Houses and was assured that this would be in place. He commented that perhaps BT could be approached to ask if they would be willing for the phone box to be painted by the Parish instead of having to wait for them to do this.

The meeting closed at 9.35pm