Whitestone Road sign

Whitestone Parish Council


Minutes of Whitestone Parish Council meeting held at Whitestone Parish Hall at 7.30pm on Thursday 12th September 2013.

Chairman - Councillor P Nierop
Councillors S Heathcote, L Hickman, R Phillips, A Reed, D Munro, M Quinn.
Mrs P Vaughan, Clerk to the Council
PC 10658 Robert Condy-Young, PCSO 30234 Paul Tucker
Mr D Friend, Mrs S Greenfield
Apologies: Councillors Mrs M Belt, Mrs P Fisher, Mrs L Luxton

The meeting was preceded by the September draw for the 100 Club in support of the Parish Hall Management Development Fund. The number drawn was 18 and belongs to Jennifer Kellagher.

The Chairman welcomed PC Condy-Young and PCSO Tucker to the meeting and PC Condy-Young said that he was attending in order to introduce himself. He gave a presentation to the meeting detailing his duties as he has responsibility for this area and gave advice on various items raised by Councillors which included speeding and fly tipping. The Clerk said that she had received the August Police report for the Whitestone area and this was distributed.


Mr Friend read his prepared statement in which he brought to the attention of the Council his objections to the planning permission for the gypsy encampment at Springdale Farm. He has been pursuing these objections with the Planning Inspectorate but not having received satisfaction he is taking it to the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman. He explained that he is also in touch with the Teignbridge Planning Department regarding a barn which was erected on the site which does not have planning permission.

The Chairman thanked Mr Friend for his report.

60. The Chairman opened the meeting and the minutes of the Parish Council Meetings held on 11th July and 1st and 15th August 2013 having been circulated were taken as read and signed as a true copy by the Chairman


Planning Application

61.1 13/02491/FUL Retention of extension to existing stone yard at Williams Field. There were some objections to this application as it was noted that this application was termed as FUL and not agricultural which raises fears that this site is not now deemed agricultural. Concerns were expressed by Councillors and a member of the public regarding the water which already runs from this site and it was requested that the applicant should be made to put in proper drainage now that the yard area has been extended as water runs across the nearby road and freezes in the cold weather. Councillors also repeated concerns raised in relation to previous applications and requested that a restriction should be imposed to prevent non agricultural or industrial use of this site.

Variation of Condition following Grant of Conditional Planning Permission

61.2 13/01962/VAR Variation of condition 2 on planning application 11/00872/FUL to amend design of extension to be free-standing


Road signs for Merrymeet and Marylands

62.1 Cllr Belt had a meeting with an official at Teignbridge District Council and clarified the positions of the requested signage for Merrymeet but it was learnt that there could not be a road sign for Marylands as this is the name for the four houses and not an official road sign. It was also noted that the signs for Pound Lane and Hill Lane will be renewed and also a sign will be placed within the village indicating Church Lane. The Clerk was instructed to write to the owners of the Maryland properties requesting that they sign these properties "Marylands" in order to minimise potential problems with delivery companies and the emergency services.

Crossway Park

62.2 Councillors gave an update on repair works which had been raised by the Annual Inspection. The Clerk raised concerns regarding a stock valuation which had been completed by the firm conducting the annual inspection which varied from the sum on our insurance cover. It was resolved that the pricing of the relevant items should be researched and the valuations be reported back to the October meeting.

School Houses

62.3 Councillor Reed gave a very full report of the Asset Management Group on work completed at School Houses and future works required and these were discussed at length. This report also included the repair work required for the roof of the store at the rear of the garages. A vote of thanks was given to the Asset Group for their concise report and continuing work in carrying these works forward.

62.4 It was resolved that a rent review proposal submitted by Devon Lettings be implemented.




64.1 School Houses rents received for August £1,305 - Letting Agency fees £132 (including £22 VAT) = £1,173.

64.2 School Houses rents received for September £1,375 - Letting Agency fees £132 (including £22 VAT) = £1,243.


The following accounts were proposed and seconded for payment. All in favour.

64.3 R J Brooks £5,877.37 includes £979.56 VAT

64.4 Whitestone Parish Hall Management Committee (September) £125

64.5 Clerk's expenses £62.90

64.6 Whitestone Parish Hall - hire of meeting room for Parish Plan meetings £22.50

64.7 Skinner Construction Ltd £7,206.72 includes £1,201.12 VAT


65.1 A report from Simon Pearson of Devon County Highways has indicated that he has inspected Hill Lane and issued necessary repair work to their contractor.

65.2 Booking has been confirmed for Cllr Hickman to attend a New Councillor's Course on the 5th December.

65.3 Notification has been received for the DALC AGM and Annual Conference on 12th October at Westpoint. Cllr Nierop and Cllr Belt have indicated that they would like to attend. The fee will be £20 per person.



Mrs Greenfield gave the following report on the Parish Plan Steering Group:-

"The committee has continued to meet during both August and early September to progress work on the full questionnaire. We have been considering layout and presentation as well as finalising question content and wording. We will be continuing this work over the next few meetings".

The meeting closed at 9.05pm.