Whitestone Road sign

Whitestone Parish Council

Minutes of Whitestone Parish Council held at Whitestone Parish Hall at 7.30pm on Thursday 14th November 2019.

Chairman – Councillor N Thom
Councillors R Bramhall, V Bryant, L Fairley, R Hunt, D Jones, P Lee, S Llewelyn (arrived at 8pm), T Miles, Mr G Fielding, Mrs S Greenfield.

Apologies: Councillor M Belt, County Councillor A Connett. 

75. Minutes of the Council Meeting held on Thursday 10th October 2019 having been circulated were taken as read and signed by the Chairman.


76.1 Landraising at Lower Hare Farm

The meeting was given an update concerning this application for a landfill. Cllr Jones explained that in April 2016 a Planning Application for a new permanent access track from the C50 to Lower Hare Farm had been submitted to Teignbridge. Mr Stewart Gibbons was the applicant and a Certificate A was included which stated that he was the sole owner of the land. This was untrue as he did not purchase the land from a third party until two years later, after the track had been built. In December 2018 a Planning Application for an inert soil landfill on land adjacent to Lower Hill Farm was submitted to the DCC Waste Planning Authority. Access to the proposed landfill site was dependent on the new access track. The applicant was given as a Mr Gibbins living at Lower Hare Farm. A Certificate A was submitted certifying that the applicant was the sole land owner which was again untrue. On 8th November the Certificate A was withdrawn and a Certificate B was issued showing that there are currently two owners of the land. This suggests that the applicant(s) may have deliberately misled the Planning Authorities, the public and the statutory consultees regarding ownership and the main purpose of the access track. The reason for submitting these false Certifications is unclear but it damages the public’s trust in the planning process and the validity of the evidence provided to support the landfill Planning Application.

Following discussion the meeting decided that Teignbridge District Council and Devon County Council should be contacted by the Parish Council Chairman drawing their attention to these issues. Discussion took place regarding an allocation of a reserve of £2,000 for professional planning advice within this financial year (not to go to competitive tender) to review the further extensive supporting evidence that the DCC has requested from the applicant. It was felt that provision should also be made in next year’s budget for expert advice on similarly complex planning applications to support the Parish Council’s role as a Statutory Consultee. Both these decisions were given unanimous approval and Cllr Jones was asked to provide a budgetary estimate for professional planning advice on 2020/21.

Cllr Miles declared an interest in the application 19/01657 for Trelake Farm

Planning Applications

76.2 19/01657/FUL Revised plans for conversion of stable/barn to holiday cottage at Trelake Farm (previously discussed at September 2019 Council meeting with no concerns arising from the application).

Discussed with no objections.

76.3 19/01912/FUL Single storey extension at Moorlands, EX4 2HW.

It was noted that this planning had already been approved by Teignbridge District Council.

76.4 19/01925/FUL Conversion of existing commercial building (B1/B8 Use) into two dwellings and partial demolition of two single storey elements and associated works at Unit 1 Rebecca Springs, Nadderwater.

There were objections to this application as it was in breach of Policy S22 of Teignbridge Development Plan.

76.5 19/01730/MAJ Change of use of the land from agricultural to a dog walking field including two shelters and a static caravan on land opposite Rebecca Springs NGR 288567 Nadderwater.

Strong objections on the basis of change of use and removal of agricultural land. Concerns that two shelters and a static caravan have already been erected on the site and a request that the Enforcement Officer investigate.

76.6 19/01872/FUL Office building and associated works at Cross Park Farm. 

The Parish Council does not support the application as there are concerns regarding a lack of landscaping plans and details regarding extra traffic which would ensue.


77.1 Change of date for December meeting owing to General Election to Tuesday 10th December

77.2 Speeding through Whitestone

It was noted that there was disappointment with the response from Devon County Council Highways regarding this matter and traffic calming throughout the Parish. Cllr Bramhall will pursue a meeting with County Councillor Connett and Devon County Council representatives.

77.3 School Houses

Two property inspection reports carried out on the houses in October were brought to the attention of the meeting and the Clerk was instructed to contact Carter Geering for two items mentioned at 2 School Houses to be dealt with.

It was verified that all items concerning the properties should go through Carter Geering as the Parish Council’s agents for the houses.

77.4 Crossway Park

Cllr Fairley reported replacing a sign by the footpath at a cost of £23.99.

It was reported that the novelty litter bin of a “Green Frog” has been delivered and is awaiting installation.

77.5 Devon Association of Local Councils AGM and Conference – 23rd October

Cllr Miles reported that she had attended in company with Cllr Belt and had found it a very full day. She had attended workshops dealing with procedures which would be required on the death of HM The Queen and also a mapping service programme which would shortly be available on line.

77.6 Proposed Parish Council Office

Information was distributed regarding the setting up of an office within the Parish Hall and the necessary expenditure which would be required. It was agreed that this proposal be funded for a one year trial. Cllr Bramhall to action.

77.7 Local Plan

Cllr Thom will investigate how Local Councils can continue to input into the next 5 year plan. Teignbridge District Council will be making contact when the next review window is opened.

77.8 Parish Warden

Cllr Thom will update, explore and define terms of a contract for this post and put it before the Council at the next meeting so that a budget line can be approved. This post will be for one year initially as a trial. If the Parish is happy with the results then it could make it a permanent role.

77.9 Adoption of BT Kiosks

An application to adopt the kiosks at Nadderwater and by the bus stop area together with the £2. fee has been completed by Cllr Bramhall and he has been recompensed for his expenses.

77.10 Tree by bus stop

It was noted that a branch had fallen and Cllr Thom will be clearing this away and cut down remaining branches.


Cllr Thom said he had been approached regarding the possibility of a wind turbine being erected on Parish land and had requested the person to come to a Council meeting with details regarding this.

Neighbourhood Plan - It was reported that following the meeting with a consultant the Parish Council had been informed that Whitestone did not fulfil the criteria necessary and therefore should pursue an attenuated Teignbridge Local Plan. It was agreed that the usefulness of an attenuated Neighbourhood Plan would be investigated by a Working Group and their findings reported back to the Council. Cllr Jones to lead the Working Group.


79.1 Draft budget for 2020/21

A draft budget was distributed and this would be further discussed at the December meeting with some adjustments made.


79.2 1 School Houses rent to 29th November 2019 £725.00 - £69,60 (includes £11.60 VAT) = £655.40

79.3 2 School Houses rent to 1st December 2019 £800.00 – £76.80 (includes £12.80 VAT) = £723.20


The following expenditure was proposed and seconded for payment. All in favour and the cheques were signed by Councillors Thom and Miles.

79.4 Graham Dicker (Grass cutting) £352.47

79.5 The Defib Pad £91.80 (includes £16.30 VAT)

79.6 Parish Hall - rent of room - Council meetings £22.50 - Food Fair £11.00 = £33.50

79.7 Clerk’s expenses £25.68

79.8 Glasdon Ltd £304.98 (includes £50.83 VAT)


80.1 Letter of thanks received from the Poppy Appeal for the Royal British Legion for the donation of £25 which was sent following the October meeting.

80.2 Trago Mills sent information regarding their annual Pensioners Week which will take place from Monday 25th to Friday 29th November inclusive.


81.1 Cllr Llewellyn reported on attending a CPRE meeting which had been most beneficial.

81.2 Cllr Bramhall reported that the Asset Register had been completed but the Clerk said that she had not yet made the necessary alterations to this. It was agreed on the grounds of transparency that the updated Asset Register be published on the Parish website. Cllr Bramhall and the Clerk to action.


Mrs Greenfield spoke requesting further information regarding missing fingerposts which had been reported in July 2017. At that time we were informed by Devon County that these would have to be manufactured.

Mrs Greenfield also spoke regarding the Parish Plan and her concerns that parishioners have previously expressed interest in helping with ideas that had come forward within the Parish Plan and she felt that not enough was being done to generate awareness of how people could help.

After some discussion it was noted that a review of the Parish Action Plan should be placed on future agendas for Council meetings.

The meeting closed at 10pm.

The next meeting of the Parish Council will be held at 7.30pm on TUESDAY 10th December 2019.