Whitestone Road sign

Whitestone Parish Council

Minutes of Parish Council Meeting held at Whitestone Parish Hall at 7.30pm on Thursday 8th July 2021.

Attendance:- Chair – Councillor T Miles.

Councillors M Belt, L Dyer, L Fairley, C Galton, S Llewelyn. Mrs P Vaughan – Clerk to the Council

Mrs P Lee, Mr M Harris – left at 8.30pm.

Apologies:- Cllr A Evans and Cllr V Bryant, County Councillor A Connett, District Councillor A Swain,

  1. Cllr Miles opened the meeting and the Minutes of the Council meeting held on Thursday 10th June 2021 having been circulated were taken as read and signed as a true copy by the Chairman.

48 PLANNING - These applications can be viewed on line by going into the public access system at Teignbridge Planning following the directions giving the application reference and also the Whitestone Website. The following applications having been received from Teignbridge District Council with a request for comments were examined and responses were sent which can be viewed in full on Teignbridge District Council Planning site. The Parish Council full response was discussed and ratified at this meeting and a summary extract is provided below:-

48.1 21/01263/HOU Removal of existing single storey rear extension and replace with two storey extension at Hill Farm, Hill Lane.

Response summary:- Whitestone Parish Council has discussed this application, and is in support of it. The application site currently accommodates a detached dwelling with a single storey extension and is located within open countryside designated as an AGLV. The application seeks permission for the demolition of the existing single storey rear extension and erection of a two storey extension in its place to create a reception area and large ground floor kitchen with two bedrooms and bathroom on the first floor. It is considered that the proposed development would not adversely affect the character and appearance of the open countryside, or adversely affect the amenity of the neighbouring properties, Therefore the principle of the development is deemed acceptable and compliant with Policies S1A, S1, S2, S22 and WE8 of the Teignbridge Local Plan 2013-2033. It is noted however that although the entrance from Hill Lane to the property is wide enough, Hill Lane itself is narrow and in very poor condition.

48.2 21/01452/NPA Application for a Prior Approval under Part 3 Class Q (a) and (b) and paragraph W of the GDPO change of use of agricultural building to a dwelling at Apple Orchard Barn, Styles Barton.

Response summary:- The application 21/01452/NPA at Apple Orchard Barn, Styles Barton, Whitestone EX4 2JJ has been discussed and considered by Whitestone Parish Council and appears to meet most of the criteria required to satisfy Class Q planning although the proposed dwelling is stated to be smaller than the existing barn suggesting the incorporated lean-to is removed and the proposed dwelling and curtilage are then within the allowed dimensions. However Class Q only allows demolition to the extent reasonably necessary to carry out the building operations and this point has not been made clear in the application. Also three wood burners and an AGA are included on the design plans but these will require external flue pipes which will stand proud of the roof surface which is not permitted under Class Q and would require a full planning application. It is also noted that there is in fact an extant planning permission on this building under the reference 18/01298/NPA which has not been mentioned or disclosed in this new application and does not expire until 8th August 2021.

This application 21/01452/NPA will be extending the residential area further into the countryside where only a few dwellings were previously present. This we feel is not compliant with Policy S22 relating to development in the countryside. It is also felt that converting this barn would be a loss to agriculture in this area.

Apple Orchard Barn with its allocated parking spaces for three vehicles will be facing towards application 21/00905/FUL Styles Barton Meadow which could result in a loss of privacy for both potential dwellings. It also appears that all of these dwellings will be sharing driveway access on to the highway but it is not clear who actually owns this right of way. The Council are concerned that even more traffic accessing and exiting the highway at this point is potentially dangerous close to where the speed limit changes from 30mph to 60mph.

The proposed design incorporates a lot of large windows on all elevations and would potentially result in a big increase in light pollution in an area where traditionally dark skies have been the norm. Light spill from the North elevation would be visible from the Halsfordwood area of the parish and light from the East elevation would be visible from The Old Chapel and further down the road. There is concern that the area risks changing from a traditional rural setting and becoming an urbanised over developed site.

48.3 21/01271/HOU Detached garage at Ham Farm, Tedburn St Mary.

Response summary:- This planning application for the construction of a garage in the curtilage of Ham Farm has been considered by Whitestone Parish Council. Ham Farm is located within a rural AGLV setting covered by local plan Policy EN2A. The application states that there was a previous lapsed application reference 14/00579 for a double garage which involved a different design and positioning. There is adequate space in the curtilage for the proposed new garage, which will be larger than the previous application including the addition of some middle storage space. It will be sited further away from the highway than previously, set apart from the main dwelling and fenced off with access to the dwelling via a walkway between a fence and a retaining wall.

The proposed design and scale of the building included on the plan are considered to be appropriate, and not likely to harm the character or appearance of the surrounding AGLV rural landscape, nor to affect the privacy or amenity of any neighbouring properties.

Overall the Parish Council is in support of this application, although it is suggested that a condition is applied so that the new build cannot be occupied at any time other than for purposes ancillary to the residential use of the host dwelling Ham Farm, Whitestone, and shall not be used, let, leased or otherwise disposed of for any other purpose, or as a separate unit of accommodation.

Grant of request for prior approval

48.4 21/00967/NPA Application for a Prior Approval under Part 3 Class Q (a) and (b) and paragraph W of the GDPO change of use of agricultural building to a dwelling at Poole Farm, Tedburn St Mary.

Refusal of Variation of condition following grant of outline planning permission

48.5 21/00728/VAR Removal of condition f on planning permission 5/52655/47/1 relating to agricultural occupancy at Furze Park,

Refusal of Planning Permission

48.6 20/02318/FUL Office building with residential dwelling at lower ground floor level at Cross Park Farm, Heath Cross


49.1 Resignation of Councillor Pam Lee

It was reported that Mrs Lee had now reconsidered her resignation from the Council but as this had already been reported to Teignbridge District Council it will be required that procedures are followed regarding her returning as a Parish Councillor and confirmation of procedures will be made at the September Parish Council meeting.

49.2 Complaint re planning application for Cross Park Farm

A complaint had been made by Mr Gorrett regarding information which had been given on his planning application 20/02318 for Cross Park Farm and Cllr Miles explained that upon making enquiries it was confirmed that the information had been in the public domain and therefore the Council was not liable for any further proceedings in this matter.

49.3 Review of DCC Lower Hare Farm

Cllr Miles reported that Devon County Council had now notified that this planning application had finally been formally granted and advised the Councillors regarding the next steps necessary to oppose this with a Judicial Review which will need to be made within six weeks and will incur financial responsibilities. Tedburn St Mary Parish Council are also in support of this action but owing to their financial position any monies forthcoming from them will have to be through fund raising. Following explanations and questions regarding this next step and how Devon County Council had failed to follow correct procedure in the handling of this application there was a unanimous vote in favour of continuing with this action. 

49.4 Progress on parking at Crossway

No further progress has been taken regarding additional parking in this area although this is ongoing and will be pursued.

49.5 Vehicle Activated Speed Signs

The meeting was informed that the necessary sign posts have now been delivered and at present are temporarily situated at the Royal Oak, Nadderwater and Cllr Smith has charge of the accompanying caps/plates. Mr Blades will shortly be installing these at recommended sites.

49.6 Action on Climate Change

The event with an exhibition at the Parish Hall which had been planned for Saturday 17th July has been cancelled but Cllr Llewelyn, Cllr Fairley and Cllr Galton are still anxious to promote awareness of this situation. It was again reported that some trees are going to be provided and hopefully these can be planted throughout the Parish and Cllr Belt suggested that one could be in the bus stop area.

49.7 Reported Dumping activity and investigation – land at Pound Lane/Hill Lane

Cllr Miles informed the meeting that she has not had a chance to investigate this further but will be doing so in the near future.

49.8 Teignbridge Consultation – Local Plan development sites – Atwell Farm

A report on this site will be sent to Teignbridge

49.9 Quotes for dog bin/litter bins in Parish and 2 waste bins for Crossway Park

These have been investigated and an order has been placed with Glasdon Ltd at a cost of £898.23 which includes £149.70 VAT.

49.10 Dog waste bins and constant re-siting due to complaints

Cllr Belt reported that the siting of the bins is still under review as it is felt necessary that there should be a bin available within the precincts of the village. It was agreed to ask the parishioners where they wanted it to be sited.

49.11 Crossway Park – replacement of toddler swings

Prices have been obtained and the quotation of £5,800 from Wicksteed would seem to be the most beneficial whicb would provide a life-long warranty. Grants are to be investigated.


The Council have been advised that the tenants of No 1 School Houses will be leaving at the end of the month and Cllr Miles will be contacting Carter Geering to obtain an inspection of the property with a view to any necessary work regarding repairs and new heating being carried out before new tenants are installed.



51.1 1 School Houses rent/insurance to 30th July £750.00 - £72.00 (includes £12.00 VAT) = £678.00.

51.2 2 School Houses rent/insurance to 1st August £825.00 - £109.20 (includes £18.20 VAT) = £715.80.

51.3 HM Revenue & Customs VAT Repayment £2,735.53


The following expenditure was proposed and seconded for payment. All in favour and the

cheques were signed by Councillors Miles and Belt

51.4 Devon Association of Local Councils £72.00 (includes £12.00 VAT) Cheque 583

51.5 Mr L Blades £373.08 Cheque 584

51.6 Start Traffic Ltd £412.67 (includes £68.78 VAT) Cheque 585

51.7 Mrs G Oakey £135.00 for work carried out on Community Garden (soil, weed control and wood chip) Cheque 586

51.8 Glasdon £898.23 (includes £149.70 VAT) Cheque 587

51.9 Mole Avon £149.94 (includes £24.89 VAT) Cheque 588


Information has been received from Devon Highways regarding the missing “Nadderwater” sign which had been reported in March confirming that it will be replaced in the very near future.


53.1 Cllr Fairley reported purchase of rubber mats as authorised at the June meeting has now been completed at a cost of £149.94.

53.2 Cllr Bryant sent in reports that it had been brought to her attention that a property in Whitestone is being used as an ‘airbnb’ possibly in contravention of an extant planning condition. 

53.3 Following a report made at the June meeting Mr Blades has now filled in the hole along the Footpath 7. 

53.4 Cllr Bryant has been in contact with the Parish Paths Liaison Office regarding the report sent in to them and received a response that there is a lack of contractors at present but hope that jobs will be completed soon.

53.5 Cllr Belt raised concerns by the Parish Hall Committee regarding the state of the toilets at the rear of the Hall which are open to the public. Owing to abuse by users in the discarding of excess toilet paper amd hand towels which chokes the toilets, to avoid closure they will be considering the installation of a hand drier and are approaching the Parish Council for a donation as the toilet is used by users of the playpark.

The next Parish Council meeting will take place in the Parish Hall at 7.30pm on Thursday 9th September 2021.

The meeting closed at 10pm