Minutes of Whitestone at Whitestone Parish Hall at 7.30pm on Thursday 12th December 2024
Attendance: Chair – Cllr T Baird
Councillors M Frankum, C Lang, T Taylor
Mrs P Vaughan, Clerk to the Council.
District Councillor K Lake
Mr E Purser, Mr S Gibbons
Apologies:- Councillors M Baxendale-Nichols, M Belt, A Evans, P Stott, County Councillor A Connett,District Councillor J Parrott
District Councillor Lake reported on road repairs within the Parish and noted comments made by Councillors Lang and Taylor.
80.1 Refusal of Planning Permission
24/00370/FUL Provision of agricultural livestock building at Cross Park Farm, Heath Cross.
80.2 Enforcement updates
Cllr Baird read a report from Mr Stephen Hobbs regarding Hackworthy Farm.
82.1 Co-option of a new Councillor
An application having been received from Mr Edward Purser to become a member of the Council having been circulated he subsequently signed the necessary declaration of acceptance of office and then joined the meeting.
82.2 Request for funding for Handbell Ringers
An application for funding which had been distributed to the Council was discussed and it was proposed and seconded that a grant of £125.00 was made and a cheque for this amount was signed. (cheque no 82).
District Councillor Lake is donating £125 from the community fund.
82.3 Request for Parish Hall funding
The Council to request a copy of pricing for repairs required together with scope of works and the predicted income for the Hall during the coming year.
82.4 Pound Lane issues and possibility of new signage or other measures
It was proposed that this issue be discussed at the January meeting.
82.5 Community Garden and Playground
To be discussed at January meeting.
82.6 Bus Stop area
The necessary roofing repair was discussed and Cllr Baird will be contacting Mr Blades regarding this. Mr Gibbons volunteered some help which was gratefully received.
82.7 Proposed Waste Disposal Site at Lower Hare Farm, Whitestone,
To be discussed by the full Council.
82.8 Discuss having a gov.uk domain
To be discussed at the January meeting
82.9 BT Digital Switchover
Cllr Baird brought this to the attention of the meeting and confirmed that there was training in progress which she would be attending. She also recommended that she book the Parish Hall in order that parishioners could be made aware of this. This is provisionally booked for Tuesday 28th January.
82.10 Annual review of Standing Orders
To be deferred to the January meeting in order that all Councillors are in attendance.
Correspondence had been received from a Mr Adams regarding a complaint which had been sent to Teignbridge regarding a mobile home at Higher Hare which had not come from him and he wished his name to not be associated with the complaint.
84.1 Precept for 2025/26
Information was distributed and discussion regarding the Precept for 2025/26 will be determined at the January meeting
84.2 2 School Houses rental to 7th December £1,050.00 - £126.00 (includes £21.00 VAT) = £924.00.
84.3 1 School Houses rental to 2nd January £950.00 - £114 (includes £19.00 VAT) = £836.00
The following expenditure was proposed and seconded for payment. All in favour and the cheques were signed by Councillors Baird and Mrs P Vaughan
84.4 Mr L Blades £401.60 (Lengthsman £261.60 + Grass cutting £140.00) (cheque 775)
84.5 Whitestone Parish Hall £346.61 (£56.00 Council Meetings, £290.61 Park Facilities) (cheque 776)
84.6 Devon Association of Local Councils £108.00 (includes £18.00 VAT) (cheque 777)
84.7 CPRE Membership £36.00 (cheque 778)
84.8 Leigh Day £16,218.40 – re Judicial Review (cheque 779)
84.9 Clerk’s salary and expenses £448.24 (cheque 780)
84.10 HM Revenue and Customs (Clerk’s income tax on salary) £101.40 (cheque 781)
Cllr Baird read from reports regarding the judgement on Lower Hare Farm which had been sent from County Councillor Connett.
Cllr Taylor reported on traffic speed times near the Pathfinder Village and requested an extension to the speed limit in this area. District Councillor Lake promised to look into the matter.
The Clerk informed the meeting that the January meeting will be held on 9th January 2025
The meeting closed at 8.30pm