DRAFT Minutes of Parish Council at Whitestone Parish Hall at 7.30pm on Thursday 9th January 2025 to be ratified at Parish Council meeting on 8th February.
Attendance: Chair – Cllr T Baird
Councillors M Baxendale-Nichols, M Belt, M Frankum, C Lang, E Purser, P Stott, T Taylor,
Mrs P Vaughan, Clerk to the Council.
District Councillor K Lake
District Councillor J Parrott
Mr P Mingo, Mr M Escott, Mr S Gibbons
Apologies:- Councillor A Evans, County Councillor A Connett,
2.1 District Councillor Parrott reported on a Teignbridge District Council newsletter which is being sent out regarding the reviewing of standards
2.2 District Councillor Lake had reported footpaths to Steve Gardener and also referred to the reviewing of standards which will be taking place.
The following planning applications were reported:-
Grant of Conditional Planning Permission
3.1 24/01772/FUL Erection of roofing over existing yard to create general purpose agricultural building at Upper Kingswell Farm, Longdown.
3.2 24/01773/FUL Erection of roofing over existing yard to create general purpose agricultural building at Upper Kingswell Farm, Longdown.
3.3 24/01774/FUL Erection of roofing over existing yard to create general purpose agricultural building at Upper Kingswell Farm, Longdown.
3.4 24/01460/HOU Installation of a domestic 12Kw air source heat pump at Gratton House.
3.5 24/01630/FUL Erection of Barn for machinery and hay storage on Land at 286748 – White Horse.
Refusal of Planning Permission
3.6 24/01777/NPA Application for Prior Approval under Part 3 Class Q (a) and (b) paragraph W of the GPDO change of use of an agricultural building to a dwelling at The Stores, Three Corners.
Refusal of Certificate of Lawful Use or Development
3.7 24/01563/CLDP Certificate of lawfulness for proposed access at Hill Farm Barn, Hill Lane
4.1 Request for Parish Hall funding
The Chair reported that she had not received a response from the Parish Hall regarding the pricing for repairs and the predicted income for the Hall so this item will be placed on the agenda for the February Parish Council meeting.
4.2 Pound Lane issues and possibility of new signage or other measures.
A decision was made that this will not be raised again.
4.3 Community Garden and Playground
Cllr Taylor brought forward some prices for replacement swings at a cost of £2,200 and will bring costings and quotes to the February meeting. It was universally agreed that the swings need replacing.
4.4 Bus Stop area
Discussion took place regarding improvements to actual interior space, and Cllr Belt indicated that the bench will be resprayed by Mr Blades and Cllr Lang will obtain some quotes for a new larger notice board.
4.5 Proposed Waste Disposal Site at Lower Hare Farm, Whitestone,
The following letter had been received by the Chair regarding the proposed waste disposal site that had been sent to the EA and was read out at the meeting::-
“Dear Sirs, New developments at Lower Hare Farm: are we sleepwalking towards Devon’s own Aberfan? I am writing to you on behalf of a group of concerned Whitestone residents regarding the on-site activities at the proposed tipping site at Lower Hare Farm. I am copying in a number of named EA colleagues who I know have been working hard on evaluating this proposal, and who are reviewing the 130 objections received from concerned residents. Now that the designated site operator (GRS) has commenced their infrastructure preparation, there are new aspects to this proposal which were not obvious during the planning and proposal stages and which pose a serious threat to the safety of people living in the immediate vicinity. We are monitoring activities on the site via legal, professional drone surveillance.
What is emerging is a dangerous situation which, without this surveillance, would not be known to the EA or indeed to the residence of Whitestone. Our concerns are such that we have engaged the services of a renowned geologist who will be reporting back to us by the end of January. You are of course already aware that this sloping site has a gradient of some 15% and that waste is intended to be dumped on top of an impenetrable layer of clay. We are observing through our drone footage the existence of many new water springs as a result of even modest rainfall. Just 3 days of rain will overwhelm the water storage system. Furthermore, the water conduits provided – including the wholly-inadequate lagoons, mean that the 130,000 tons of waste planned for disposal during the first year alone will be highly unstable and put a significant number of properties in danger. I would urge you to consult the Davies Report and the Report of the Geological Society which can be found here. Our drone footage – which we will gladly share with you – shows that the sides of the lagoons are already collapsing, and that the contouring of the site is already suffering clearly observable erosion. We have called an urgent public meeting to be held in Whitestone Parish Hall. The media have been invited to attend. We would like to cordially invite the EA along to this meeting, so that you can have the opportunity to explain to residents why you believe that the 750,000 toms of waste will be stable, and what guarantees you can provide to them. I look forward to hearing from you. Yours Sincerely Paul Taylor”.
4.6 Discuss having a domain.
It was confirmed that the new council website proposal from Aubergine be accepted with adaptations to the proposals and Cllrs Baxendale-Nichols and Purser will carry forward the installation.
4.7 BT Digital Switchover
The Parish Hall has been booked for Tuesday 28th January from 10am to 1pm when parishioners are invited to attend to receive information regarding this switchover and ask questions.
4.8 Review of Standing Orders
The Chair had made enquiries regarding this and has been informed by the Devon Association of Parish Councils that this is not permitted.
Cllr Baird requested that in view of the monies which would be required for refurbishment of Crossway Park that some fundraising would be needed and Cllr Taylor volunteered to organise this venture appealing for unwanted gifts.
6.1 Determination of Precept for 2025/26
Documentation regarding the finances of the Parish Council had been distributed and after lengthy discussion it was resolved by voting that the draft budget of £5,5425.00 will be adopted for 2025/26 and the Precept should be increased to £6,283.00.
6.2 2 School Houses rental to 7th January £1,050.00 - £156.00 (includes £21.00 VAT) = £894.00.
6.3 1 School Houses rental to 2nd February £950.00 - £114.00 (includes £19.00 VAT = £836.00
The following expenditure was proposed and seconded for payment. All in favour and the cheque was signed by Councillors Baird and Belt.
6.4 Mr L Blades - Lengthsman £243.90
7.1 A letter of thanks has been received from the Whitestone Handbell Ringers in appreciation of the grant of £125 which had been made at the December Council meeting.
7.2 A request for a grant for a new table for the Table Tennis Club which runs at the Parish Hall has been received and this will be placed on the agenda for the February meeting.
7.3 A letter of thanks was received from Devon Air Ambulance for the donation received.
Cllr Belt requested that the telephone box at the bus stop should be painted and that the tarmac at Edenfields be inspected. She also requested that the Parish Council assets should be reviewed.
Cllr. Baxendale-Nichols asked about purchasing a grit spreader for the Parish.
Phil Mingo said that if a couple of dumpy bags of grit were dropped at the farm he would willingly spread it with the muck spreader.
The meeting closed at 10.00pm.